Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I just found out that Rockstar Energy Drink is owned partially by douchebag galore, Michael Savage.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I love this

This is so awesome. I love this Lily Allen song and now all these you tubers have made videos of them lip synching and further somebody made one big movie mixing the lipsynchers together. So cool.

Michael Savage, Fred and Shirley Phelps Banned from UK Over Hate

this is awesome!!!


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via -Towleroad News- [#gay] by Andy on 5/5/09

The UK Home Office has published a list of individuals banned from entering the UK since October:

Savage "Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, said she decided to make public the names of 16 people banned since October for fostering extremism so others could better understand the behaviour Britain was not prepared to tolerate. Smith told GMTV: 'I think it's important that people understand the sorts of values and sorts of standards that we have here, the fact that it's a privilege to come and the sort of things that mean you won't be welcome in this country.'"

Among them are Westboro Baptist Church's Fred Phelps and Shirley Phelps-Roper: "Pastor and leading spokesperson of Westboro baptist church. Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the United Kingdom."

Also banned is radio host Michael Savage: "Controversial daily radio host. Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence."

Full list here.


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Mormon Marie Osmond Supports Gay Marriage!

Wow... Marie Osmond. That is amazing.


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Wow. This is quite bold and awesome of her!

Marie Osmond was on radio station KOST 103.5 Los Angeles yesterday, discussing her lesbian daughter Jessica and Marie's beliefs.

Contrary to rumors, Marie spoke of how much she loves and supports her daughter, despite her own religious convictions.

Naturally, the gay marriage question came up, and, we're proud to say, Marie spoke in support of civil rights for everyone, regardless of orientation.

Good for her!

Check out the audio below!

[Image via WENN.]


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Monday, May 4, 2009

What To Do If You Hit Someone’s Car


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via POPHANGOVER by Jillian Madison on 4/30/09

This guy hit someone's car and then left them this note. What a guy, pretending to "RIGHT" down his name. I'll take "high school dropout" for $1,000 please, Alex:


(via Buzzfeed)

Other posts on Pophangover:

  1. Michelle Obama's High School Pictures
  2. VIDEO: Old People Newscast
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROAST: Alex Trebek Edition


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