Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vertigo Effect Photos of New York City by Alfonso Zubiaga


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via Laughing Squid by EDW Lynch on 6/28/11

New York City photos by Alfonso Zubiaga

New York City photos by Alfonso Zubiaga

New York City photos by Alfonso Zubiaga

New York City photos by Alfonso Zubiaga

These beautiful and vertigo inducing photos of New York City by Spanish photographer Alfonso Zubiaga create a sense of movement through clever Photoshop trickery.

via My Modern Metropolis

photos by Alfonso Zubiaga


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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Michele Bachmann Compares Her Spirit to That of Serial Killer John Wayne Gac...

you can't write this kind of comedy.


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via Towleroad News #gay by Andy Towle on 6/27/11


During an interview earlier today in Waterloo, Iowa where she kicked off her 2012 presidential campaign, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) touted Waterloo resident John Wayne, telling the interviewer, "That's the kind of spirit I have too."

Bachmann chose Waterloo as her announcement backdrop because she grew up there.

Unfortunately for Bachmann, the John Wayne who lived in Waterloo, Iowa is serial killer John Wayne Gacy, who murdered 33 young men and teenage boys in the late 70s.

Politico notes that the actor John Wayne did come from Iowa, but from Winterset nearly three hours away.



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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yarn Dynamite


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via Laughing Squid by Scott Beale on 6/22/11


Caroline Walshe knitted Yarn Dynamite which would really come in handy during the next Yarn Bombing.

See Previously: Felted Explosives: Dynamite & Bomb

via Craft


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Timothy Leary archive purchased by New York Public Library


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via Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin on 6/22/11


The New York Public Library has purchased some 335 boxes of papers, videotapes, photographs and other items from the estate of Timothy Leary.

From the New York Times:

The material documents the evolution of the tweedy middle-aged academic into a drug guru, international outlaw, gubernatorial candidate, computer software designer and progenitor of the Me Decade's self-absorbed interest in self-help. The archive will not be available to the public or scholars for 18 to 24 months, as the library organizes the papers. A preview of the collection, however, reveals a rich record not only of Leary's tumultuous life but also of the lives of many significant cultural figures in the '60, '70s and '80s.

(thanks, Pesco!)



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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sick man robs bank for $1, demands jail and healthcare


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via Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow on 6/21/11

A North Carolina man with no health care robbed a bank for $1 in order to go to jail and get his ailments seen to. He is hoping to be convicted of a felony, so he can get the benefits he lost after he was laid off from his 17-year Coca-Cola delivery job. He has carpal tunnel, a bad back, and "a protrusion on his chest." He is in chronic pain. He has promised to reoffend if he isn't convicted and treated.
He took a cab down New Hope Road and picked a bank at random -- RBC Bank.

Verone didn't want to scare anyone. He executed the robbery the most passive way he knew how.

He handed the teller a note demanding one dollar, and medical attention.

"I didn't have any fears," said Verone. "I told the teller that I would sit over here and wait for police."

The teller, however, did have some fears even though Verone never showed a weapon.

Her blood pressure shot up and once Verone was handcuffed by police, the teller was taken to Gaston Memorial Hospital to be checked out.

Verone said he was sorry for causing the woman any pain.

Bank robber planned crime and punishment

(Image: One Dollar, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from rychlepozicky's photostream)


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Homer Simpson blotter art print

"It's on acid-free paper, 'natch."


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via Boing Boing by David Pescovitz on 6/21/11

 Store Images Blotter Randal Roberts' joyously psychedelic painting of Homer Simpson is available as a limited edition blotter art print. It's on acid-free paper, 'natch.
"Homer blotter art" (via Dose Nation)


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Monday, June 20, 2011

Diagram of Geek Culture


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