Sunday, September 30, 2012

Panoramic Aerial Tour of the Pyramids of Giza

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Panoramic Aerial Tour of the Pyramids of Giza

A team of Russian photo enthusiasts from aerial panorama site AirPano created this incredible panoramic aerial tour of the Pyramids of Giza with the help of a radio-controlled helicopter (video).

Panoramic Aerial Tour of Pyramids of Giza by AirPano

Panoramic Aerial Tour of Pyramids of Giza by AirPano

via The Daily Grail & Boing Boing

photos and video via AirPano

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Release, Stunning Monumental Sculpture to Nelson Mandela

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Release, Stunning Monumental Sculpture to Nelson Mandela

Release monument to Nelson Mandela by Marco Cianfanelli

photo via Marco Cianfanelli

"Release" is a monumental sculpture to Nelson Mandela situated at the site in South Africa where he was arrested in 1962 (he remained in custody for 27 years). The sculpture is made of 50 steel columns between 21 and 31 feet high whose arrangement appears random from most angles. However, about 115 feet in front of the sculpture, the columns align to form an image of Mandela's face. The sculpture was created by South African artist Marco Cianfanelli.

Release monument to Nelson Mandela by Marco Cianfanelli

photo via Visual News

Release monument to Nelson Mandela by Marco Cianfanelli

photo via Marco Cianfanelli

Release monument to Nelson Mandela by Marco Cianfanelli

photo via

Teenage Morrissey's Scathing Review Of The Ramones

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Teenage Morrissey's Scathing Review Of The Ramones

In 1976, a then-17 year old Steve Morrissey wrote a review to Melody Maker of the Ramones. Spoiler alert: he hated them.

The July 1976 issue of Melody Maker magazine includes a review of The Ramones from one Steve Morrissey of Stretford, Manchester.

Apparently he loved The New York Dolls and Patti Smith but thought the Ramones were "a bumptious band of degenerate no-talents".

The issue of Melody Maker is on sale from eBay right now.


H/t @sattelitehigh


Stunning Taxidermy Installations by Claire Morgan

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Stunning Taxidermy Installations by Claire Morgan

Stunning Taxidermy Installations by Claire Morgan

photo via Claire Morgan

British artist Claire Morgan creates stunning installations out of organic materials including animal taxidermy, seeds, and insects. Morgan often uses taxidermied birds in her works, suspending the birds among intricate arrangements of thistle seeds, bees, or other small objects. Her exhibition "Quietus" is on display at Galerie Karsten Greve in Paris through November 3.

Animals, birds and insects have been present in my recent sculptures, and I use suspense to create something akin to freeze frames. In some works, animals might appear to rest, fly or fall through other seemingly solid suspended forms. In other works, insects appear to fly in static formations. The evidence of gravity – or lack of it – inherent in these scenarios is what brings them to life, or death.

Stunning Taxidermy Installations by Claire Morgan

photo via Galerie Karsten Greve

Stunning Taxidermy Installations by Claire Morgan

photo via Galerie Karsten Greve

Stunning Taxidermy Installations by Claire Morgan

photo by Claire Morgan

Stunning Taxidermy Installations by Claire Morgan

photo by Claire Morga...

Good Night, Sweet Prince

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Good Night, Sweet Prince

Behold the Endeavour. Never again will a Space Shuttle be airborne.

Shots above and below taken from Treasure Island.Anthony Brown, penguinologist, captured this flyby atop Bernal.

Endeavour about to fly behind Sutro (via @jetdillo):

And the reverse angle, via David McSpadden:

Via the Marin Headlands by Murphlabs aka @obeyken (bonus: Golden Gate Bridge!)

I tried to get a Sutro-Endeavour shot pn the second pass with the real camera, but autofocus lag and the Transamerica Pyramid betrayed me. But thankfully,

Instant Streets, 24 San Francisco Streets Depicted in Double Exposure Photos

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Instant Streets, 24 San Francisco Streets Depicted in Double Exposure Photos

Instant Streets by Polaroid SF

"Instant Streets" by Polaroid SF is a poster of 24 San Francisco streets and neighborhoods depicted in double exposure photos. The photos were taken on 1960s Polaroid Land Cameras. The poster is available for purchase at the Polaroid SF Etsy store.

Instant Streets by Polaroid SF

Submitted by William Westley

photos by Polaroid SF

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Curt Jensen shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Curt Jensen just shared an Instagram photo with you:

view full image

"Found a great box of records on the street. This cover wins. "

The Instagram Team

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Secret Life Of Skeletons Made Of Light

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The Secret Life Of Skeletons Made Of Light

"Afterlife" is a series of light painting photography performed by Darius Twin, which portrays the 'secret life' of light skeletons in the Los Angeles area.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lives of Grass, Grass Figure Sculptures That Grow, Wither, and Die

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Lives of Grass, Grass Figure Sculptures That Grow, Wither, and Die

Lives of Grass, sculptures of humans made out of live grass

"Lives of Grass" is a beautiful and ingenious sculpture series of human figures that are made out of soil and live grass. The sculptures have a life cycle, starting as bare soil, becoming green with grass, and then shaggy and brown when the grass dies (see the transformation below). The series is by French artist Mathilde Roussel.

Lives of Grass sculptures show the effects of transformation of the material as a metaphor of the transformation of the body. Time sculpts the forms, makes them change and then decay. The natural world, ingested as food becomes a component of human being. These sculptures strive to show that food, it's origin, it's transport, has an impact on us beyond it's taste. The power inside it affects every organ of our body. Observing nature and being aware of what and how we eat might make us more sensitive to food cycles in the world – of abundance, of famine – and allows us to be physically, intellectually and spiritually connected to a global reality.

Lives of Grass, sculptures of humans made out of live grass

Lives of Grass, sculptures of humans made out of live grass

What Happens When You Let A Bunch Of Birds On Twitter

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What Happens When You Let A Bunch Of Birds On Twitter

I mean Twitter's mascot is a bird, isn't it? It just makes sense .

You start with this:

You start with this:


Which leads to this:

Which leads to this:


And eventually end up with this:

And eventually end up with this:

Via: @ir_zilite

It's the work of a Latvian magazine, Ir, a bunch of chickadees, and lots and lots of bird food.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Acid Test diploma up for auction

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Acid Test diploma up for auction


The above 1966 Acid Test Diploma of Merry Prankster and Jerry Garcia widow Carolyn "Mountain Girl" Garcia is up for auction as part of The HeART of Rock and Roll Poster Auction. Current bid is $5,775. Over at Collectors Weekly, our pal Ben Marks puts this tattered piece of paper in context as a souvenir of a milestone event in psychedelic, counterculture , and multimedia history. "The High Price of a Degree in LSD"