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Do As I Say, Not Who I Do
Rep. Phillip Hinkle (R-Indiana) has been caught with his pants down after soliciting sex from a 20-year-old (who turned out to be only 18) on Craigslist, meeting with the younger man and then informing him he is a state lawmaker. This killed the mood, so the hustler tried to hustle on out of there, at which point Hinkle allegedly exposed himself and tried to restrain the object of his desire.
Weirdly, the meeting had been intermediated by the hustler's sister, which I guess makes her his pimp.
Hinkle is—you guessed it!—wildly anti-gay in his voting record.
The sister outed him to his wife and family, which led to the man saying, "You just ruined me." Seems really harsh and mean, until you realize that no, in fact, he ruined himself. Which is his right. But worse, he tried to ruin all the other gay people in the state by voting against their rights at every turn, which just leads to more paranoia and frustration and closeted lives like the one he'd been living.
Hinkle's statement reads:
"Rep. Hinkle is aware of the inquiries by The Indianapolis Star and we are investigating the matter at this time. We request that everyone respect the privacy of the family at this time."
How about state lawmakers respect the privacy of ALL FAMILIES, including gay ones, by letting us decide who we marry and how to raise our kids?
So don't look to me for sympathy, Rep. Hinkle. It doesn't get better when you're actively voting to make it worse!
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