Monday, October 25, 2010

Mickey Mouse Anatomy Sculpture by Jason Freeny


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LEGO Letterpress


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via Laughing Squid by Scott Beale on 10/17/10

LEGO Letterpress

LEGO Letterpress

Samuel Cox and Justin LaRosa of Physical Fiction made a wonderful set of prints created on a LEGO Letterpress.

via Craft

photos via design work life


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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Benoît B. Mandelbrot (1924-2010), Father of Fractal Geometry


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via Laughing Squid by Scott Beale on 10/15/10


French and American mathematician Benoît B. Mandelbrot, the father of fractal geometry, has died at age 85 from pancreatic cancer. He passed away at a hospice in Cambridge, MA on October 14th. Thanks for making math fun!

Here's a video of Mandelbrot's TED 2010 talk.

Jonathan Coulton paid tribute to Benoît B. Mandelbrot in his song "Mandelbrot Set" (video by Pisut Wisessing).

UPDATE 1: The New York Times has confirmed the story.

There has not been any official confirmation, only a reference by Nassim Nicholas Taleb on his website and Facebook page and by John Brockman on Twitter and The Edge Foundation website.

UPDATE 2: Mathematician and sci-fi author Rudy Rucker shares his memories meeting Benoit Mandelbrot.

via Adafruit Industries


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Friday, October 15, 2010

The Beautiful and The Damned: Punk Photography by Ann Summa


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via Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin on 10/15/10

Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop

More than 60 images of L.A.'s early punk scene shot by photographer Ann Summa between 1978 and 1984 make up "The Beautiful and the Damned", a show on display at Track 16 Gallery at the Bergamot Station Arts Center in Santa Monica.

Curated by filmmaker/journalist Kristine McKenna, the exhibition closes this weekend— but some prints will still be available. Please contact the gallery for details.

Many thanks to both Ms. Summa and Track 16 for allowing Boing Boing to present this online photo gallery of favorites from this historically important series.

Boing Boing readers: were any of you there, at any of these shows? Share your history in the comments.

A related Los Angeles Times article here.

At left: Exene Cervenka (X) at legendary punk club The Masque.

Joe Strummer (The Clash)

Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders)

Dinah Cancer (45 Grave)

Johanna Went

Wendy O Williams (Plasmatics)

Tom Verlaine (Television)

(Thanks, Laurie Steelink and Sean Meredith!)


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My Princess Boy

to balance out the negative!


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via Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin on 10/15/10

Five-year-old Dyson Kilodavis is a little boy who loves sparkly things: princess gowns, hot pink socks, glittery jewelry. Deal with it.

Richard Metzger over at Dangerous Minds points to a lovely children's book by Dyson's mom, titled My Princess Boy, and shares a surprisingly non-exploitative television interview with the boy's mom, dad, and older brother.

Richard says:

This child, I think it's clear, is going to be who and what he'll be. But unlike many kids like him, he's not going to grow up thinking there is anything wrong with who he is. This kid is FABULOUS and nothing less! With all of the gay bullying, suicides and the general anti-gay bigotry going on in rightwing circles, Cheryl, Dean and their older song Dkobe, deserve admiration and gratitude from the rest of us, for being such an amazing, wise examples for other people in their situation, with their loving parenting of their "Princess Boy."

You have to watch the video. Have some kleenex handy. I sure cried. It's right here: My Princess Boy: Meet the most awesome family in America
(Dangerous Minds, thanks Tara McGinley)

Amazon Link for the book.


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Watch: Lesbian Couple Asked to Leave Shopping Center Over Kiss?


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via Towleroad News #gay by Andy Towle on 10/15/10


The ACLU is now involved in a claim by a lesbian couple that they were asked to leave the Cameron Village shopping center in Raleigh, North Carolina after they held hands and kissed.

Q Notes reports

"Caitlin Breedlove says she and her partner had just finished eating at The Flying Biscuit on Thursday afternoon when they went to sit outside. There, they shared a brief kiss after which a security guard approached them and said they had to leave. According to a release, the security guard said that 'being affectionate' was 'inappropriate.' The couple asked the guard if he would have said the same thing if they had been an opposite sex couple. The guard said, 'No.' The couple asked to see the security guard's supervisor, who also said they needed to leave, reminded them Cameron Village was private property and said, "You want this to be public, you want people to see what you are."

A demonstration is planned at the shopping center at 1 pm on Sunday.


(via pam spaulding)


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